Healing Yantra Metatron Engraved On Rainbow Selenite Chakra Coaster
Item CodeP-Selenite-012
Size70-75 MM
MOQ20 Pcs
Weight70-120 Grams
Special Order
Order online for Yantra Metatron Engraved On Rainbow Selenite Chakra Coaster at low prices from Agate Mart. Metatron "the Youth", a title previously used in 3 Enoch, where it appears to mean "servant". It identifies him as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt and describes him as a heavenly priest. As the Scribe of God, Metatron had additional powers such as the ability to bypass and erase any type of warding as well as being the only angel with first hand knowledge of the contents of the various tablets due to having taken the dictation of the Word of God. Order online now.